Christina Stark

Portrait of Kristina Stark

Kristina Stark is an industrial designer educated at Konstfackskolan in Stockholm and at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in London. For many years, she has worked as a freelancer with design for the home, the kitchen and the table for a number of clients both in Sweden and abroad. Among the clients are Design House Stockholm, Höganäs Keramik, Boda Nova, Gense and others.

See Kristina Stark's products in the online store here ››


Where are you born?
In Kullabygden, where I have my roots many generations back.

How old are you?
Old enough to have experience, young enough to be curious.

Where do you live?
In Malmö and in Österlen.

What are you doing?
I am a designer educated at Konstfackskolan in Stockholm and at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in London and have been working for many years with design both for external clients and in my own brand. I am driven by the desire to create utility objects and completely ordinary and completely ordinary things that people use often. I'm not looking for effects, but the simple and the understated. Reducing is the challenge, my design process is often about peeling off and eliminating everything unnecessary in order to find the essence of a thing - without losing the "nerve". Everything must be questioned to have a justification. Being a designer means constantly making different decisions. Before every new project, I also examine myself - is a product of this kind really needed? If I come to the conclusion that there is a relevance, it is important to take responsibility for the production taking place in a sustainable, humane and environmentally friendly way. If not, I'd rather refrain…

Favorite place?
In my studio.

Favorite material?
All natural and genuine materials that are allowed to age with dignity and patina no matter what; wood, metal, glass, ceramics, leather, textile etc. Materials that age beautifully and last over time. As an industrial designer, I am not bound to a specific material but feel free to choose materials and manufacturing methods. I adapt and select materials according to what is required and best suited for the specific product or production process.

Favorite designer?
I don't want to single out anyone in particular, but I am delighted and impressed by designers who are "for real" and who do not compromise with themselves or others, but dare to go their own way.

Favorite color?
None specific. But I am quite restrained in my color choices – just like in my design.

what inspires you?
Everything around me. To question to be inspired. Inspiration is not something that "flies" at me but something that comes during work. I question most things, why things look the way they do. For me, it is not interesting to create new products for design's own sake. Design is not an end in itself, I think. The best things are the ones you might not even think about and can also be the ones that are absolutely not deliberately made from a form perspective - they just ARE - and just work! I borrow Dieter Ram's words: "good design is as little design as possible".

Your vision/business idea?
To create things that work and are durable for the wear and tear of both the hand and the eye. And of course also sustainable for the environment. That all choices and decisions in a design process are well and consciously made.

Biggest mistake?
That for a while as a young person I held back my creative dreams, which made me take a detour...but on the other hand, the straight paths may not always be the most interesting ;)

I dream that more companies will see the value and scope of our skills as designers and hire us. It makes a difference. Hiring a designer should be as natural as hiring other skills.

The next project?
Little secret...